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If the congregation’s mission is the foundation, administration provides the scaffolding from which the vision can be realized. And yet congregations often struggle with administration. It’s definitely not something a lot of people are energized by – but I am! I love being able to bring the systematic side of my mind to analyze a situation: from fundraising and diversifying funding streams to running financial ratios and having sound financial policies; from strategic human resource management to crisis communication; from staff supervision and evaluation to effective volunteer management, this is an area in which I thrive.

It’s hard to get a good picture of me doing administration. Basically, it would look like me intently focusing on a spreadsheet or a bunch of printed financial reports. That is why I chose to use the picture (below) of me being goofy and fun with my cohort at the School of Public & Environmental Affairs at Indiana University, where I graduated with honors in 2019. 

I decided to get a Masters in Public Administration, with a focus in Nonprofit Management, because I wanted to learn how the nonprofit world was adapting (or not!) to the changing volunteer and fundraising landscape. I already enjoyed administration – it is more concrete whereas much of ministry is very relational and abstract – and this program gave me administrative skills that I have enjoyed using in both nonprofits and in congregations. As it turns out, not only can congregations learn from how the nonprofit world is adapting, so it works in reverse as well: nonprofits can learn from how congregations are adapting!

I hope you enjoy this glimpse into my ministry!

For extensive access to my past writing, please check out my archived blog.

©2023 by Rev. Dawn Cooley, created with

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