Rev. Dawn Skjei Cooley
Answering the Call to Interim Ministry
Accredited Interim Minister in Training (AIMIT)
Raised in various Protestant traditions, I rebelled from the idea of a pointy-finger-God-in-the-sky who could make one football win over the other because He liked their prayers better. I had a limited understanding of the divine, at best.
I came to Unitarian Universalism as a Pagan, practicing the Wheel of the Year. As I grew into my faith as a Unitarian Universalist, I found that I added layers and nuance to my own personal theology. One of my favorite things about our faith is how it not only allows, but encourages our theology to grow and change as we do, and mine surely has.
Today, I describe myself as an Agnostic, Mystic Humanist. I have no idea about the Mysteries and Wonders of the Universe but they tickle me, and astound me, on a regular basis. And I believe it is our responsibility, as human beings, to care for one another and our planet.
At the heart of most of my sermons is the theme of Loving the Hell Out of the World. Loving the hell out of the world means being in relationship with the world. It means constantly expanding who “we” are. It means challenging ourselves to not turn away from the pain within ourselves and within others. Loving the hell out of the world means loving each other out of hell. It means listening to one another, learning from one another, helping each other. It does not mean we will always agree – we won’t – but it means we will stay in conversation. Loving the hell out of the world means overcoming fear, bitterness, and hatred, with abounding and embodied love.
If you’d like to read more about my theology, I invite you to read my Love the Hell Out of the World sermon, which won the 2014 Universalist Heritage award. Additionally, you may be interested in a paper I wrote in 2012, Astrobiology as Contemporary Theology, which became the foundational chapter published in the textbook Theology & Science: From Genesis to Astrobiology.